Coastal Home Inspection Services, LLC
1. Who recommends these Contractors? The Contractors and Service Providers on our list come from "both" us and you. Some of the Service Providers we have used personally and feel they provide quality, consistent work. Others are referred by folks like you after you've use them and found them to be honest and reliable.
2. Does the list change? Absolutely… We continually update this list with recommendations from you as well as with additional folks we discover on a monthly basis. We're always on the look-out for quality Service Providers for our list.
3. What categories are included? The list is very comprehensive and covers all aspects of home maintenance and repairs. The list will continue to grow over time,
so please continue to check back for your needs around the home. We’ll even include additional categories that folks new to the area will need such as auto repair, tv repair, and more.
4. Is the work of these Contractors guaranteed? Coastal Home Connection’s goal is to provide this list of quality Contractors/Service Providers that homeowners have found to be consistently reliable. One of the factors we look for is “their” ability to guarantee the work they perform. Since Coastal Home Connections cannot warranty or guarantee the work of any Service Providers, homeowners are always encouraged to ask for references, read their contracts, and only pay for work once it’s completed to your satisfaction.
5. Who are the “Spotlight” Contractors? Each month, we will highlight 2 different Contractors/Service Providers to provide you a bit more information about them and the work they perform. We hope this gives you insight into their background, tenure in the industry, and services provided.
6. Can we provide feedback to you on this new service? We certainly hope you do. Coastal Home Connections will continue to grow and become the best resource available only with your help. We want to know what local Contractors we should consider adding to our list for the benefit of all. In addition, we want to know what we can do better to serve your needs with Coastal Home Connections.
About the Listing:
Coastal Home Connections is an outstanding source of information that gives you helpful tips, maintenance ideas, ways to save around the home, and most important a referral network of local Contractors and Service Providers. Here's some additional information about how Coastal Home Connections works...